Monday, March 25, 2013

Can I Get A Little Help?

Hey folks!  Happy Monday to you!  I hope you are having a wonderful day.  The kids are home for Spring Break, so already they are bored to pieces.  LOL  And, to make it worse, despite the fact that it is Spring, it is 38 degrees and snowing with rain mixed in.  UGH!  So, they are housebound too.  

Anyway, going to share my hunk for Manly Monday and also wanted to ask for some help.

My first published book, "The Key to Helmbrooke" is available on Amazon for only 99 cents.  But, I'm new, the book is new and so, it's been a little tough getting sales and of course, reviews.  I am offering 5 (five) copies of my book for free in exchange for honest reviews...good, bad,'s okay.  

The Key To Helmbrooke is a quick read and more than anything, I just want to get my name out there before my next book releases.  Just send me an email at JaynWilde(at)gmail(dot)com and put Book Review in the subject line.  Also, let me know what type of file you need, and I will send it off to you.

Thanks so much!  Here's your Manly Monday Hunk!!  Keep Warm and Keep Reading...or Writing...  ;)



  1. Jayn

    I read the book yesterday and found it a lovely read and have put my thoughts on my blog.:)

    1. Thank you SO much! I truly appreciate it. It is a beautiful review.
